Sunday, January 15, 2012

Manic Monday

I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be one of those days. Since I've been pregnant, I've hated Mondays. I wake up seriously mad at the world haha. It all passes after 30 minutes or so but still, for that first half hour I am MAD. I don't think tomorrow will be any different. I have so many things on my mind, so many things to do and I'm running on very very little sleep.

I do however, have some things to get me through tomorrow and the rest of the week. Tomorrow night we have our second birthing class whoop whoop! This Friday we head up to my parents where I willing be having probably my last girls night out in a LONG time. The next morning we have our maternity pics to be followed by our first baby shower! To top it off, Phillip has Sunday planned out for just the two (or three) of us. Talk about a busy weekend but boy am I excited about it. Now all I have to do is make it through the week with my sanity, manage to find my outfit for my pictures (I'm having a hard time ladies), WORK, pack, etc.

Okay, I'm off to try and cheer up my husband who is suffering from the Packer's loss tonight. I hope you all had a great weekend!


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