Friday, March 9, 2012

Guest Post: Life With The Hawleys

Hi everyone! While I'm taking some time alone with my family and little boy I have some great guest bloggers lined up for you. The first one is Darby. She has been reading my blog (and I hers) since before I was pregnant. I have really enjoyed having her along for the ride. Take a moment to check out her blog, I'm sure you'll love it as much as I do!

Hi Baby Bound readers!!  I’m Darby from Life with the Hawleys, and I am so thrilled that Eliza is letting me take over her blog today.  I loved following her pregnancy and I’m so thrilled that she gets to take some time at home to bond with Mr Cruze.  Since Eliza is on bloggy maternity leave, I thought I would talk today with you about



AHHHHHHHHH!!!  That is such a scary word right?! I mean NO ONE has mastered the art of balance.  If you’re fresh out of college, a new wife, a new mommy, in a transition, or really, wherever you are in life, I think this is an issue that we all battle with every now and then.  So when I get overwhelmed or unbalanced I refer to my priority list.  I am a serious list maker (borderline obsessive), but my priority list is the most important list I keep.  This is my staple list.


1. God- He comes before everything else in the world.  He gets my first and last word every day, and I am in continual conversation with Him throughout the day.  Everything I do and say should be in accordance with His will for my life. If I’m abiding in Him, everything else will fall into place.  Matthew 6:33 and Exodus 20:3 (Sidebar- I am not perfect at this priority, but I do strive for this)


2. Phil- (Yep, Philip is my hubby’s name too hehe).  He deserves nothing but love, encouragement, and respect from me.  I try my best to provide a secure and comforting home for our family.

3. Family- Families are units that make up society.  Of course I find this to be important not only for society but also for me.  I adore and value my family and honor my elders.  I do my best to provide for them spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

4. Relationships- People are more important to me than objects, therefore I don’t treat them as such.  I am dedicated to being actively present with a person, meaning, I don’t check my phone when I’m talking to someone, I listen and don’t worry about what I’m going to say next, I don’t try to one-up someone, and I give them eye contact.  Not only is this respectful to others, but it places value on an individual.  And yes, I absolutely value the people I interact with: this includes everyone from my bagger at Kroger to my boss.  I value their lives.

5. Work- Work is last, but not because I don’t like my job.  I acknowledge how blessed I am to a) have a job, and b) love my job; this is not the norm these days.  I am very passionate about the work I do, and the impact my work has on the greater world population.  But I work to live, I don’t live to work.  If I lived to work, then everything else on my list would be out of order.

Again I am not perfect at any of these priorities, this is just how I try and structure each day, so that  I can give my best to these 5 areas.  If I find myself unbalanced, doing something that does not meet one of these priorities, it is easy for me to cut it out.
What are some things on your priority list? How do you find balance in this crazy world?

Thank you so much for letting me ramble today Eliza!


  1. Thank you for sharing this! This is exactly how I strive to live my life as well.

  2. Thank you Eliza for sharing your blog with me today :-) Give Mr Cruze a little kiss for me!

  3. What a great guest post! I enjoy Darby's blog so much, so this is fun seeing her here. Congrats on the baby, that is so exciting!

  4. It's so difficult to have balance in life as women, wives, mothers but it sounds like you are doing a great job!!


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