Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Guest Post: Tales Of A Young Housewife

This guest post comes to you from Lisa of Tales Of A Young Housewife. I asked a few bloggers for their advice for a new mama and I'm so grateful for the advice they're sharing with me and all of you. Lisa has a great blog where

Here is Lisa's advice. Enjoy!!!

When you become a new mother you will get large amounts of advice -- cloth diapering, swaddling, breastfeeding, baby wearing; the list could go on for days. However, the only advice I could give a new mother (because hey, I'm a pretty new mother myself!) is to try to be present, as much as possible. The first few nights weeks are tiring. Sleep deprivation like you've never felt before. But every single time you get up for a 2:00 feeding and are rocking that baby back to sleep, be in that moment. As hard as it is to imagine now, you are going to miss these quiet, peaceful, sacred moments. I would also say to hold your baby, as much as possible. That time where they just lay on your chest or in your arms without wanting to go crawl away is painfully short. Soak up every single snuggle, coo, feeding, and diaper change. Stare at your tiny baby, and memorize every curve of their face. Take way too many pictures, videos, and write down every single little detail. I promise you'll never regret having too many pictures, or too many milestones written down.

But most of all, treasure every second with that angel that you are madly in love with. I know you will.

Lisa from Tales of a Young Housewife


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