Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Trying to Hang in There

So I'm having another one of those moments where I feel like the world will end before I can ever be a mother. I know why we are waiting to start trying but I just get so scared that it will never happen for us. Maybe it's because over the course of our marriage I went through hundreds - yes HUNDREDS - of pregnancy tests that always came out as "negative". Even when we weren't trying to get pregnant it saddened me to see one line instead of two.

Somebody please tell me that I'm not alone.


  1. We just started TTC this past month but this past year we had a scare and even though I knew it wasn't the right time (we were just buying our first house and my husband was in between jobs) it still made me sad to see the negative on the test. Now when we are trying it's even more of a let down. I feel like the test should be more encouraging in the negative- the digital tests could say, not this time but keep your faith- it'll happen!

  2. Hi Charity! Thank you for letting me know that I'm not alone. It's hard when you want to be a mother so bad and it doesn't happen as fast as you would like. Congrats on making the decision that you and your husband are ready to start trying for a family. It's a huge step and I hope it happens very soon for you. Please keep me posted! :)

  3. I know exactly how you feel. We are in our second year of marriage (been together for over 6)and I think I am going baby crazy. We are both young (Me-24, Hubby-27) but I cannot seem to help it. Took a PT a couple of weeks ago and was so sad to see the single line. Sigh. Guess the dogs will be our babies for now

  4. Thanks for taking the time to comment! Atleast we know that we're not alone in feeling this way, right? A few months ago I promised myself that I won't keep taking pregnancy tests until I feel like I am for sure pregnant but I've broken my own rule 3 times already! lol

  5. It's always disheartening to see that negative result. I currently have an IUD, so a pregnancy and all the fear associated would be a good thing, but still I have had to take over a dozen tests over the last two years and each time it's hard. Hang in there.

  6. I just stumbled across your blog and I can say I am so excited to read every single post & have felt the EXACT same way. I am currently 5 months into marriage and want a baby so badly... I am equally so afraid it will never happen for me and my husband wants to wait for the same reasons yours did. It gives me hope. :)

  7. Thanks for stopping by Kelly. It always makes me feel good to know that something I wrote can offer encouragement to someone else. I checked out your blog and it's very sweet. I LOVE your wedding pictures!


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