Thursday, July 21, 2011


Last week we went baby book shopping and it was so much fun. I loved watching my hubby go through all those books and it was cute how he kept bringing me more and more books to pick from. We bought four books but we are already talking about a few others we're interested in. Here are some of the books we walked away with:
My favorite so far
For the proud daddy-to-be

Because it's good to know what's going on with my body

Since we apparently cannot agree on a name

If you are or have been pregnant, which books helped you the most?


  1. i have that complete illustrated... one. I loved it. It is the only one I really read when pregnant. I also ready Jenny McCarthys Belly Laughs (just bc it was a cute read) and I started the Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy but never finished. I highly recommend The Happiest Baby on the Block. I am reading it right now and it is a very good book and helps calm crying babies. Don't be like me- read it BEFORE the baby gets here haha (btw we did the same thing... except I sat right on the floor in the baby book section lol)

  2. I love "your pregnancy week by week". and what to expect is really good too!

  3. I've never had a baby before, but one of my friends who just had a baby and who is super stylish just like you said this was a great book:

  4. Ok, I HAVE to get that Bump It Up book! The cover was probably enough to convince me but the reviews are good too. Thanks ladies for your suggestions, I will look into those too. :)


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