Thursday, January 12, 2012


This week has been a rough one. The smallest things are stressing me out. Work has been especially trying, I'm having trouble keeping up with my emails and house work and I am just exhausted. I guess this just comes with the territory of being pregnant. I feel like I'm getting so close to the finish line but I have no  energy to complete the things I need to before getting there.

Today's To Do List:

1) finish the laundry
2) go to doctors appointment (this requires me getting dressed - I'm not excited about it)
3) remove my chipped polish off my toe nails (with a 8 month pregnant belly this is like an Olympic sport)
4) mop the floors
5) figure out how to get my reply button for comments to work

Week's To Do List:

1) complete start my birth plan (yes, still)
2) Buy my outfits for my maternity pictures
3) Steam my curtains
4) possibly start house hunting (long story)
5) start my pediatrician search

Do you see?! There is nothing outrageous on those lists. Nothing super hard or tedious. But I feel like I could break in half from the stress.

So this would explain why I did not post a Hump Day Bump Pic yesterday in case you were wondering. Maybe I'll get my act together by the end of the day or maybe I'll just give myself permission to sit around and pity myself while indulging in a high-calorie, high-fat treat. At this point, who knows?


  1. Oh goodness! Hang in there mama you can do it! You're so close!

  2. Your so close to the end! Maybe take the day to relax, being pregnant is hard work! Are you not seeing your reply button? because I can see it, and I clicked on it and it worked for me.

    1. Ah ha! This is the first time it's worked and I'm using my iPhone. But it wouldn't do anything when I tried to click on it on my computer... Weird.

  3. Hang in there! You're getting so close. I am excited for you!

    1. Thanks! I know. I keep needing to remind myself that I only have about 7 weeks to go. It's crazy!


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