Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I Heart Family Walks

One of my favorite parts of the day has to be when my husband walks through the door after a long day at work. I miss him so badly while he's away and it kills me to know that he has to miss out on our sons coos, yawns and smiles. The time we spend as a family in the evenings is so special to us. Being home all day can be kind of a downer (although a sweet baby makes it much easier) so we've been making the most of our nights and taking walks as a family. I must say, I've never enjoyed walks as much as I do now. It warms my heart to see my husband push our son in his stroller while he stares at him in wonderment. And boy is it a treat to hold my son close to me in his moby wrap with the breeze hitting us. I really hope this is something we will continue to do.

What family activities do you love to participate in?


  1. Beautiful pictures! When Chloe was a newborn we would take a lot of evening walks too. I couldn't wait for Mike to get home from work each day!

  2. Cruze is so beautiful! I have really enjoyed reading your blog and hope you'll come read mine! In the next few months, we will start trying for a baby of our own. I would love if you would follow along!


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