Monday, November 25, 2013

It's a new day.

As you’ve probably noticed, we have a new look and… a new name! JoyBound. I’ve been going back and forth with changing the name since Cruze was born. When this blog started, it was my place to talk about my struggle with starting a family. A few months later, we were pregnant and the gears shifted to documenting my pregnancy. We were baby bound, it was all I could think and dream about. But now. I’ve come to realize over the past 15 months that being a mom isn’t what makes me. It makes me very much whole but there is so much more to our journey than just having a baby – it wasn’t our destination. So I got to thinking, what really is our destination? 40, 50, 60 years from now, what will I have wanted to accomplish? What will I want to remember?

The way we were. It’s really that simple. I have such a fascination with family history, what makes people be. This is our history in the making. The small things and the big things - they all contribute to our story, our joy. This is my love letter to our future selves. To me, Phillip, Cruze and whatever babes join us along the way. And one day, we’ll look back at these posts and smile. We’ll say “remember when?”. And we’ll think those were the days.

Yes, these are the days. I hope you’ll join me on my new mission to document them with the dignity they deserve.

Over the next few days I will be working on changing my domain name so please bear with me ;)

*this post was written a while ago, before we knew I was pregnant with baby number two.


Thank you for reading my blog! I love love love reading your comments. They really do make my day!

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