Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Around Town | Wild and Free

Last weekend my parents came for a visit. Cruze LOVES his Mima and Papa, he just lights up when they come over. In fact, Cruze thinks Elsa from Frozen is my mom. Now that's love. Am I right?? While they were here we headed to one of our local outdoor malls for dinner and a little shopping. There is a small area of grass that we stopped at to let Cruze run wild. I mean, this child has so much energy! I love seeing him feel completely free. I hate feeling like I am always restricting him. From being too loud, from jumping to high, from spilling his food on the couch. It's just too much. You know? I try to give him special time to just be. No rules, just freedom and fun.

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The weather was absolutely beautiful. There is just something about being able to nurse my little angel baby outside with the sun hitting us and the wind blowing. Perfection.
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This just makes my heart so happy.

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And we even managed to get a family shot of all four of us. Success!
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