1. Get supplemental insurance - This is separate from your regular medical insurance. Aflac has a policiy that gives you money for hospital visits. So Let's say you have a $2,000 deductable with your medical insurance. No matter what your bills from all of your prenatal Doctor visits and your delivery charges come out to, you owe $2,000. If you add supplemental insurance, they give you money for your hospital stay. I don't remember the exact figure but let's just say they give you $2,500. This is meant to go towards your bills, and it will. But then you have $500 left over for
To sum it up, if you want to get paid to have a baby, get some supplemental insurance. IMPORTANT: you have to have the policy for 10 months before you can benefit from the labor and delivery part. So do this at least one month before trying to conceive.
2. Get into shape - trust me on this one. You really want some strong tummy muscles before you get pregnant. I've heard some women say that they don't want to bother getting into shape until after baby but this is all wrong. Not only will it help with delivery but the stomach muscles will help keep your belly from growing too fast, hence less chance for stretchmarks. The same size pregnant woman who isn't in shape will look different from one who had abs before getting pregnant. And you know all that talk about muscle having memory? You want your stomach to remember a hott, tight six pack.
I did not do this. But I'm working on it now.
3. Pick out a stroller - have you seen how many options there are for strollers, highchairs, carseats and on and on?! So many! For many pregnant mamas, this can be quite overwhelming and for many (like myself) they find themselves regretting a decision they made out of frustration. Pick a stroller now. Even if you change your mind, at least you'll know what you're looking for.
4. Spoil yourself rotten - Just do it. Because when you have your sweet baby in your arms, he or she will be all you want to spend money on. And then you'll find yourself with a pimped out baby while wearing out of style clothes and wishing you bought that watch you always wanted, before. I obviously don't mean to go crazy and get into debt. But buy something of value for yourself and don't fel guilty about it. You'll earn it soon. I promise.
5. Get a ridiculously expensive camera - or start saving for one. If you don't already have one, it might be hard for you to think of spending close to a thousand dollars or more on a camera but you'll get your moneys worth in the first week of your baby's life. Every single moment of newborn goodness is fleeting and you'll want to remember the way their lips looked, how they curled their toes and the look on Daddy's face the first time they make eye contact. I have a point and shoot and I regret not buying a fancy camera when we were both working and didn't have to buy diapers, wipes and milk all. the. time.
You may think a regular camera is enough but if it doesn't snap pictures SUPER fast, you'll be kicking yourself over and over again for not being able to capture certain moments. My advice? Start taking 10-20 dollars out of your account each week to save up. Each time you go out to eat and only drink water or pass up on that oh too good to be true shoe sale, mentally use that money towards your camera savings.
And those are my five tips for what to do before getting pregnant. You can also start while you're pregnant. It can't hurt right?
Do you have any tips to share? Comment below!
Spend some quality alone time with your hubby! It will be a long time before you have real time together again after baby... And even when you do, you'll end up mostly talking about the baby... Enjoy those last moments as a family of two!
ReplyDeleteall such great points!! I'm trying to get back into shape before getting pregnant again and some people think its silly of me since I'll be getting big anyway...wrong!
ReplyDeletenew follower
Oh this is smart! I had no idea they made Supplemental insurance!
ReplyDeleteJust received a check for $500.
ReplyDeleteSometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can earn filling out paid surveys online...
So I took a video of myself getting paid over $500 for doing paid surveys to set the record straight once and for all.